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美術の先生がつくった作品展 Vol.8






 私達も、去年度は延期となった美術館での展示の代わりに、完全リモートで完成させたWEB上での展示会や、那覇OPAでの特設展示会などで、コロナ禍に対応してきました。このような状況の中、学校現場で実際に美術を教えている「美術の先生」たちは、今、何を考え、何を感じながら児童生徒、そして学生と向き合っているのでしょうか? きっと、美術の先生にしか見えない世界があるはずです。


美術の先生がつくった作品展 実行委員会



Thank you very much for visiting [美術の先生がつくった作品展-Works by Art teachers]. This exhibition feature works by art teachers of Okinawa.

The pandemic has unexpectedly and drastically transformed life as we know it. This transformation of lifestyle to maintain the health and safety of individuals and society subsequently changed the way humans interact and communicate with each other, which are the essences of social dynamics. Educational institutions such as daycare centers, schools, and universities were not exempt from this change.

In recent years, the Japanese educational system has been transitioning from the post-war pedagogy of “lecture style” education to a method that promotes critical and creative thinking by increasing the opportunities for discussions and collaborations among students, thereby encouraging more meaningful interaction with others. However, the new health and safety paradigm significantly pushed our effort and progress backward, giving an impression of stillness as each teacher observed daily changes of rules and regulations and backpedaled to safety.

The Covid 19 also brought positive discoveries. To adapt to such a transformation of the society, the sense of creativity and flexibility became more apparent as vital ingredients for progress that allow us to make what we do not have, learn to enjoy the changes, reevaluate the norm, and accomplish the tasks under restrictions. Art education nurtures creativity and imagination, which are difficult to quantify and assess under ordinary conditions.  However, life under the COVID 19 reassured us that these abilities and qualities are essential in adapting, adjusting, and enriching our life.

This exhibition has also gone through many transformations. We have organized a web-based online exhibition and a special event at Naha OPA in the past year. Through these exhibitions, we showcased thoughts and visions of art teaches as artists who are usually known only as teachers. We cultivate unique perspectives and sensitivities from daily interactions with students, which we hope to communicate through our work of art. We also hope that by bringing many of us together as a single comprehensive exhibition, the sense of resonance between our works creates a more extensive and diverse, and enjoyable experience.

 The organization committee

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